I recently went back to work at my alma mater to fill it for the lighting supervisor who was on maternity leave and, even more than before, I felt like many students were lacking any perspective on the real world. I had also been interacting with some recent grads who just had no concept of how to act post graduation - they genuinely believed people just got the jobs they wanted and could get others into them. Now being two, almost three, years out of school I'd love to actually help soon to be grads, answer questions, post things you guys are interested in...
Also, I just got a new job on tour and as a tour newbie I want to share things about the tour experience with people who haven't done it. There are lots of blogs sharing experiences from the road, but I think mine will still be geared towards people who haven't done it, students/recent grads.
My last post was in January 2011... I guess I have some catching up to do before I can just pick up in February 2013... Stay tuned for that update and for tour fun!