Monday, October 18, 2010

Update (Follow Spot, Arena, Gala)

So I found out at least one person reads this! Hooray!

So I wanted to update,

but I don't really have much to say...

I am currently working as a follow spot operator on this:

Last night I attended the Forum Gala which was very cool. I am officially a company member which I'm stoked about and may have already mentioned.

I'm sending in my contract for the AD position at Folger tomorrow. The first read is Nov 15, rehearsals start in March.

I have a very big theatre gap in my season. I don't have any projects November - February. This makes me nervous, but I'm sure things will happen. I'm not being too passive about it.

I mentioned to the PSM at Roundhouse (where I'm follow spot oping) that I'd like to get involved in their Education Department and she said she's get me the information for the heads of the department and mention me to them.

I am on the overhire list at Arena Stage. The ME called me and asked me to come in so he could show me the space. They have a brand new space (3 actually) that they moved into this summer. So I did. He showed me around the theatres and then we sat in the house as they built Oklahoma (yes...) and he talked to me about the electrics schedule for the next few weeks and said I could come in any day I could get off my day job. He also said I could even just come in the mornings before my day job starts at 1. I'm excited about doing that next week.

Also - I cleaned out my theatre file box today. I have every piece of paper from all of Dr. Beck's classes still. I threw some out. I also found my job recommendation letters from Kate and Dr. Beck which almost made me cry. haha.

So I'm just hanging out.

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