I am not proclaiming to be successful yet. I have a day job as a nanny, I am not doing theatre full time by any means. I've gotten a lot of 'no's and no answers.
BUT I did just jump right into a new city two weeks after graduating and have been working, sometimes unpaid, sometimes paid (gasp!) in theatre. I won't be giving advice per se, I will just be detailing what I've done/am doing, how I've gotten the opportunities I've gotten, how I've networked, and some of the things I've learned.
And hopefully I can get some guest bloggers who have been successful already, or in different ways, in here to tell their 'hows.'
I'm excited about it. I hope it helps someone feel better about graduating in the 'daunting' field we have chosen.
As soon to be graduate also thinking of moving away, I'm so excited to read someone's perspective. Keep us informed!