Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Over hire Galore!

Being on over hire lists is great.

BUT a lot of over hire requires that you don't have a day job. Hangs, Focuses, and even tech rehearsals for the bigger theatres (aka ones that pay) are all during the day.

I was part of a mass email to an over hire list at Arena Stage looking for a Follow Spot Op. I got on their list by emailing the ME my resume. He never replied to say he had received it, just added me to the list. I have not done a call there yet.

I showed interested, the ME called me. It's for Oklahoma - yes, again.

The production has a tech period of about a week (it's an 'indefinite' tech period or something. They haven't decided when they will officially call it previews.) Tech rehearsals are during the day. My employer lets me take off a couple of days a month to do over hire theatre work, but I can't do weeks on end - that's silly.

So when he called me I told him that, even though I was extremely interested, I had a day job and couldn't take off that many successive days in a row. He agreed and said it's pretty much only possible for someone without a day job. Damn, I hear they pay well too.

Anyway, we finish the conversation by him asking me to send him some dates I'm free to come in and check out the space so we can meet. Cool. This was all yesterday.

This morning I got an email from the PSM at Round House Theatre (in Bethesda; there are two) saying she had gotten my email from Round House's ME (Master Electrician). I had worked a call with them in August.

She sent me the calendar for a touring production that was coming that they needed a Follow Spot Op for. I told her I had a day job so I could probably take off for the 3 matinees, but could not take off for the day time rehearsals during tech. She said if I could do the matinees they could accommodate those 2 tech rehearsals. Pay is $10/hr.


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